The Corona Virus outbreak and how we’re keeping you safe during your sessions...

CDC illustration of the Corona Virus.

It’s hard to go an hour these days without thinking, hearing or talking about the Corona Virus (COVID-19), especially since most of you reading this, myself included, live and work in the epicenter of the nation’s battle with this novel virus. I take the responsibility of working with your precious newborn babies very seriously, and wanted to address what we are doing to keep you safe while you are visiting our Farm House Studio.

Studio Sanitation

Rest assured, the studio has always been kept spic and span to keep our tiniest of clients healthy, but now more than ever these steps are vitally important to assure you a safe environment. Every blanket and wrap that is used is washed thoroughly after each and every session. In addition I am taking the extra measures of using bleach water to wipe down every hard surface, door knob and floors between sessions.

My Personal Prevention as your Photographer

Because there is no vaccine yet available to prevent COVID-19, I’m following the CDC’s prevention guidelines , and staying up-to-date on all the new details.

  • Practicing Social Distancing and avoiding group interactions.

  • Avoiding contact with people who are sick.

  • Avoiding touching my eyes, nose, and mouth.

  • Rescheduling sessions when I, or my family members, are sick.

  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces using bleach.

  • Washing my hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

    • PLUS using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Mother smiling and cradling her brand new baby in a white sun filled room.

During your Session

When you arrive at the studio I’ll ask that you all remove shoes and wash your hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds. I’ll also have hand sanitizer readily available for you and your children to use. I’m also restricting sessions to only immediate family members at this time.

Although I typically provide hearty snacks for my newborn sessions, that amenity will be temporarily suspended to protect your health. Please be prepared with your own snacks and drinks during your session.

Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy

I’m asking ALL of my families to notify me ASAP if you, or a family member, is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms. Since COVID-19 can sometimes mimic a simple cold in mild cases. There is much to learn about this novel virus and I’d much rather be overly cautious than risk anyone’s health.

In the event that I, or any of my family members, are exhibiting symptoms, I will absolutely notify you immediately and either reschedule or refer you to another trusted and professional photographer.

Beautiful full rainbow over the Penguin Picture’s 6 acre farm.

Thank you for your vigilance!


Keeping you safe during your Outdoor Family Sessions amidst COVID-19


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