The Streets of Seattle during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Global Pandemic.
Words we’ve only read about and watched Hollywood productions of, not something we ever imagined we'd experience in our lifetime! Like most of you, I'm not sure it's fully registered yet. I'm still numb and going through all the stages of grief, and as a person who usually laughs things off when I'm uncomfortable, this... THIS is different. There are mornings that feel almost normal, and then there are the moments where the weight of it all just comes crashing down. Day after day, I watch the news with a lump in my throat. Yesterday I felt almost relieved watching Hoda Kotbe break down right along with us. And then there’s a hopeful part of me when I'm reminded to Look for the Helpers by the late Mr. Rogers and am overwhelmed with love and gratitude for those who are literally sacrificing EVERYTHING to win this invisible war. The nurses and doctors, grocery store clerks and bus drivers, Amazon workers and flight attendants… you are all our unsung heroes!
I know you're accustomed to seeing images of precious newborns, breathtaking locations, and joyful families. . . these images are a far cry from all of that. But my photography has always been about telling the truth and capturing images that are 100% authentic. I wanted to share a visual diary with you… I've been taking my camera with me when running "essential" errands (which, by the way, are VERY limited these days), and have been capturing images from the car. We are living in unprecedented times and I don't want to forget what our beloved Seattle (or our entire world) went through in the Spring/Summer of 2020…
Just remember that until we can safely emerge from our homes and finally embrace one another, I'll be right here in the trenches with you! I see all you moms out there trying to do what our INCREDIBLE teachers have always done and have never gotten sufficient credit for doing. I see all you parents being strong for your children when sometimes you just want to sit in the corner and feel the heaviness of it all. I see all you hairstylists cringe when I pick up the scissors and cut my family’s hair. And I see so much hope that when this is all over we'll stand taller and stronger as families, as a nation and a global community.
Love to you all; stay home, stay healthy!